More About Raw Milk
My mother, Carolyn Lee wrote the following article based on the material in the references at the bottom of this posting. We have her to thank for putting a tremendous amount of time and effort into doing this. She does this for the health and freedom of all Americans.
If you have not yet read the other posting Raw Milk - A Health Freedom Issue, I recommend doing so. You can access it here.
Cows and Grass Help with Global Warming
For encouraging information about how COWS and GRASS could help solve the Global Warming problem by taking atmospheric carbon and putting it back into the Earth, see this blog posting, here, here, and here.
Return to the What Are the Issues? blog here.
Milk: Nature's Finest Health Food
Human societies on six continents have been nourished by the milk of various ruminant animal herds for thousands of years. Many made butter and cheese. Most of them consumed their milk in some fermented form, such as clabbered (soured) milk, kefir, or yogurt. In fact, one could say that these wonderful animals, who have the astonishing ability to turn indigestible grass into a glorious foodstuff for humans, have enabled entire civilizations to grow and prosper.
When you do a little research, you find that untreated, unprocessed milk, preferably from a grass-fed cow (or goat), has wonderful growth-promoting and healing properties. After all, isn't that what mother nature created milk for, to nurture and protect the young of many species? That's why breast milk is recommended for babies. Of course, new mothers who are poorly nourished produce poorer quality breast milk, as we are what we eat. (You can find a great deal of information about the proper nutrition for expectant mothers and new mothers at the Weston A. Price Foundation website, if this is a subject that interests you.)
"But to keep things in perspective, when it comes to the safety of raw milk, it's reassuring to know that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) which has tracked disease from many sources for many decades has no record of anyone of any age dying as a result of having drunk unpasteurized milk.
Now, if unprocessed milk -- or raw milk -- from grass-fed cows is such a perfectly natural and healthy food, why is the government so intent on preventing consumers from buying it? Why all the resistance at the state level, nationwide? Why all the intimidation of raw milk farmers? What is really going on here? Why is the federal government so insistent that the U.S. milk supply continue to be pasteurized, when clearly pasteurization is no longer necessary, due to modern technology and sanitation procedures? Could the answers be money and corporate control of our food supply? I think so!
The battle over raw milk is a key component of that struggle. Right now, most dairy farmers are not permitted to market their milk freely. They are forced to sell their milk to consortiums, under government-regulated, fixed contracts. This must change. Also, in 1986, an FDA ruling banned the interstate shipment of raw milk, butter, and cream across state lines. This is the ruling that HR4077 attempts to overturn. Finally, at the present time, officials in every state are pushing for laws banning all raw milk sales, strongly supported by the CDC and FDA, citing false, misleading, and erroneous data.
It has been demonstrated that a thirty-acre farm can be completely self-sustaining, ecologically beneficial, and provide its owner with a generous living and the local community with healthy food, if the farming methods now being taught to small, grass-feeding farmers are employed. This is a threat to the mega-corporations. They can see the consumer moving more and more toward local farmers and small-scale sustainability, and they are using our government, as they always have, to give them the edge. If they can keep the independent, small farmer from selling his wares to the public, they can squeeze him out of the food production loop and put him out of business for once and for all. Only the voices of millions of consumers can stop this from happening.
Fortunately, that information is readily available from the following organizations:
If you have not yet read the other posting Raw Milk - A Health Freedom Issue, access it here.
Cows and Grass Help with Global Warming
For encouraging information about how COWS and GRASS could help solve the Global Warming problem by taking atmospheric carbon and putting it back into the Earth, see this blog posting, here, here, and here.
Return to the What Are the Issues? blog here.
1 comment:
Raw milk demands are growing with people who really care about health. Even the Kenyan runners know the benefit of raw dairy, that's one of their main food sources. Great post.
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