Raw Milk - A Health Freedom Issue
Now, you might say, "Why would anyone want to drink raw milk? What's the big deal?"
Before I get into more detail about this, here is a video of a young man who is passionate about his raw milk. There are many people like him who CAN'T drink pasteurized milk. He shows us that raw milk isn't just for white upper class people.
Raw milk is for everyone -- for you, for me, for the guy walking down the street, and for your children and grandchildren.
This wonderful young man absolutely understands what is going on, and he does a terrific job of explaining it.
The Demise of Raw Milk
So, now that you have watched the video, do you understand a bit about why anyone would want to drink raw milk?? Now, back to the more in depth milk story.
Humble dairy cows were major contributors in helping the United States of America grow into a great nation. Raw milk and dairy foods supported people in becoming healthy and strong. The commerce of this country developed upon a foundation of small family farms and their dairy cattle.
Sadly, in recent decades, pasteurization of milk has become the rule, with tragic impacts on people's health. And family farms have been all but completely replaced by factory farms producing 'foods' that, rather than supporting optimal health, are resulting in nutritional deficiencies, toxicity, and disease within our population. This is a sad state of affairs.
Sandra's Personal Milk Story
I grew up drinking what I thought was milk. But it was actually pasteurized and homogenized milk, which I now understand is not actually real milk. No wonder I didn't like it! Once I was past childhood and providing my own food, I always thought of myself as not liking milk. I never drank milk, though I did eat cheese and butter.
Pasteurized milk isn't actually even food; the body is unable to properly digest and assimilate it. Food is supposed to provide nourishment for the body, and what is commonly thought of as milk does not accomplish this. At the same time, it actually harms the body! As far as I am concerned, pasteurized milk is inedible.
Now that I know about Real Milk, I drink about a gallon a week. I love it, you might even say that I cherish my freedom to drink milk. Fortunately, raw milk is available in stores in Washington State. This is not true in all states. For information on what to do about this, keep reading . . .
Cows and Grass Help with Global Warming
For encouraging information about how COWS and GRASS could help solve the Global Warming problem by taking atmospheric carbon and putting it back into the Earth, see this blog posting, here, here, and here.
After you read the material below, go to the next blog entry for More About Raw Milk.
Return to the What Are the Issues? blog here.
Now, to provide you with true Milk education, . . . Here is eye-opening information from A Campaign for Real Milk, a project of the Weston A. Price Foundation.
In recent years, I have learned a tremendous amount from the Weston A. Price Foundation, about milk, and food in general, and about what people need to be healthy. Consider joining the Weston A. Price Foundation through their website.
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