Sunday, April 27, 2014

Understanding Wheat - Beyond Gluten & Celiac

I am offering a new educational presentation about food. In Understanding Wheat - Beyond Gluten & Celiac, I present information I learned through The Gluten Summit. I previously blogged about this free online event that occurred in November 2013. I recommend that you read that posting, which is more extensive than today's post.

I also give a Dangerous Grains presentation which discusses health issues associated with consuming grains in general, including wheat. For people who consume a lot of grain-based Gluten Free packaged foods, understanding this can be life changing. 

I offer presentations about a variety of food and nutrition topics. All of my presentations incorporate PowerPoint slides, which I make a concerted effort to have be interesting. There's nothing worse than a sleep-inducing presentation with unreadable slides! I get great audience feedback. These are the topics I currently have available. Genetically Modified Foods - GMOs, MSG, Soy, Vitamin D, and Cholesterol & Fats.

I am available to give presentations in or around the areas where I live or frequently visit. In Washington State: Olympia, Seattle, and Oroville. In British Columbia: Penticton, Kelowna, and nearby areas. If you are interested in organizing a group for a presentation, please contact me at

Expanding My Understanding

In the past couple of months, I've been completing a program in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN). My perspective on health has expanded dramatically - partially through shock in my personal experience. At the same time, I've been preparing the Dangerous Grains and Understanding Wheat presentations. So I have reviewed interviews from The Gluten Summit, reread William Davis' Wheat Belly, and read other books. More fully understanding the dynamics of wheat has contributed to new depths of health understanding. I am writing about FDN and this experience in a posting on my other blog, Breathe, Life's Inspirations with Sandra. I invite you to read it.

As a practitioner of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, I order functional lab tests for you and help you identify imbalances that are contributing to your malfunctions! You really can heal yourself and return to normal function, using lifestyle modifications and drug-free protocols using natural supplements. Check my other posting for more information. Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

The Gluten Summit

The Gluten Summit is the source of the information that I present in Understanding Wheat - Beyond Gluten & Celiac. I wrote about this event in November. This summit transformed my understanding of how wheat impacts health.

Would you like to purchase permanent access to The Gluten Summit's recordings, slideshows, and transcripts? Details are available through this link. (If you purchase through this link, Sandra will receive a small affiliate credit.)

Here's to Healthy Eating!

Appointments -- Penticton, Olympia, Telephone, . . .

I will be in Olympia, Washington in mid May, and would love to work with you.

I offer Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, Human Design readings, The Body Code/The Emotion Code, and Spiritual Response Therapy by telephone, Skype, and in person. In Penticton, B.C., and in Olympia, Washington, I offer in-person bodywork and energy work appointments.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, or if you would like to schedule an appointment.

If you would like to schedule a food and nutrition presentation, as discussed above, please contact me.

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I love hearing from you and receiving your feedback.

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Here's to Healthy Eating!



Sandra Lynn Lee
Licensed Massage Practitioner, Washington
Human Design Specialist
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations

Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2014 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.