Thursday, September 25, 2008

What's Kefir? A Healthy Food!

Have you ever tried kefir? My journey with making this wonderful food is just beginning.

First, here is a bit about what kefir is. Then on to my amusing personal kefir story.

Kefir is a cultured milk product similar to, but more liquid in consistency than yogurt. Kefir grains are living cultures that ferment milk. My understanding is that the fermentation process digests the lactose and proteins, making milk easier for the ultimate consumer to digest and assimilate. For people who are milk intolerant, this pre-digestion may make it possible for them to comsume kefir. Once fermented, kefir can then be made into cheese and other edibles.

The origin of kefir is considered to be in the Caucasus Mountains, possibly in North Ossetia. (Yes, near South Ossetia, the area of recent political unrest and ethnic cleansing -- primarily driven by U.S. interests in oil. Were you aware of that??) The people in this region have cultured and consumed kefir for over 1,000 years. They are renowned for longevity and good health. It is said that the tribes-folk regarded kefir as the drink of the Prophet. (Source, and for more details: Dominic "Dom" Anfiteatro, information follows.)

Introducing Dom, the World's Acknowledged Kefir Expert

My introduction to Dom occurred through a friend. (Thanks Jo!) He is both the kefir expert and the very best source for kefir grains. My first visit to Dom's website was . . . astonishing. The volume and depth of information will astound you. He knows his stuff.

I recommend spending time on his website. A printed version of some of this information can be ordered then downloaded or sent by mail: Kefir! A Probiotic Gem Cultured with Probiotic Jewels: Kefir Grains! (I encourage people to purchase kefir grains and the book from Dom, supporting his continuing work with kefir and health for the benefit of the world.)

Sandra's Adventures In Kefir Land

Having read Dom's detailed instructions, I felt pretty confident in beginning my journey with this wonderful and health-supporting food. However, when the grains arrived, I discovered that reading just isn't the same as doing. A few days ago, as I laboriously hand-sorted kefir grains from the kefir, the following came to mind, . . .

Making Kefir is NOT for the Faint of Heart

(Though in actuality, since consuming kefir has been known -- for centuries -- to have a substantially positive benefit of improving health, making kefir could potentially be VERY good for those who are physically challenged in the heart department. I couldn't really say one way or the other.)

All joking aside, at least initially, making kefir does take a bit more devotion and time than I was expecting. And though I had READ what kefir is like, when I finally had the real stuff, it bore little resemblance to what my mind had imagined.

Today, precisely a week after I first put kefir grains to revive in milk, I have a system for making kefir somewhat figured out, and I have come to love drinking kefir. I would say that making kefir is most definitely a worthwhile endeavor, and the end product is wonderfully enlivening and vital.

For those who may be contemplating the possibilities of making kefir . . . it is helpful to know in advance what you are getting into . . .

What Being a Keeper of Kefir Grains is Like

I now compare making kefir to being a person who has pets. Have you ever heard that it is the pet or pets in a household who are in CONTROL of the household? Have you seen signs saying that the person living there does the bidding of the cat (or the dog)?

If you have a dog, you feed Rover every day, and you keep water in his dish. Regular walks and the occasional bath are definitely recommended. Beyond tending to those basic physical needs, we all know that EVERYONE is happiest if Rover also gets plenty of love and attention.

Well, keeping kefir grains is somewhat like that, though definitely on a smaller scale. To a certain extent, my life now revolves around caring for and feeding my kefir grains. To keep them living and growing, the cultured milk (kefir) is strained away from the grains once a day, and fresh milk is added. Containers and utensils are washed to keep contaminating chemicals or foreign bacteria from killing the culture. Every couple of hours, I stir the mixture to put the grains in contact with fresh milk. Eventually, I will remove some grains and freeze or dry them for future use, because they will have multiplied. And because I am leaving for a week soon, my husband Ken has been designated the babysitter of the kefir grains, keeping them happy during my absence.

On a more personal level, I have a relationship with my kefir grains. Occasionally, I let them go too long before straining, and the kefir becomes thick in consistency. Straining then takes more effort and time. Because my culture is quite young, I want to keep as many grains in the culturing jar as possible, so I pick through the kefir by hand to find the grains that escaped through the holes of the strainer. When doing this, I actually find myself talking to them (occasionally even out loud). I tell them that anyone who wants to keep living in the jar needs to make themselves known and allow themselves to be retrieved. (Any that remain in the kefir will be . . . eaten! Which is perfectly acceptable. They are highly beneficial for health, providing a wealth of fabulous probiotics and nutrients.) After the grains are back in the jar and fed their milk, I frequently tell them, "Okay guys, multiply!"

I am not a pet owner, but I imagine that the fond feelings and the tender treatment that I give to my kefir grains are right in line with how people relate with their pets. Yes, kefir grains require attention and love. And I find that they are very much worth the effort.

Real Kefir vs. Commercially Produced Kefir

Real kefir, cultured with living kefir grains is NOT AT ALL like commercially available kefir. I was expecting something resembling what I had previously purchased in the store. What I got had absolutely NO resemblance to that white-liquid-in-a-carton. As far as I am concerned, their only similarities are that they are both liquid forms of milk, and that they both contain cultures of bacteria.

It is important to note that real kefir grains are quite different from the powdered kefir cultures that are commercially marketed to people desiring to make kefir. I imagine that grocery-store kefir is made with culture powder. Powdered cultures will never multiply or become real kefir grains, so continuing to make kefir requires additional culture purchases. Assuming that I keep my kefir grains healthy, I will have cultures forever. In fact, I will accumulate extra, which can be given away. The nutritional profile of the 'kefir' that is produced with powders also differs from that of true kefir. For more information, see Dom's website.

Reading that kefir is slimy in texture and consistency just did not fully clue me in. In fact, it really is quite slimy and stringy, in a liquid kind of way. My telling you that may produce a preconceived impression of what it is like, one that is perhaps a bit negative. Face it, the words 'slimy' and 'stringy' just do not convey a particularly positive image. But in fact, kefir's texture is acceptable, at least for me. Any initial anticipation of unpleasantness was quickly dissipated once I actually drank the kefir. My husband also seems to enjoy it. (While I am gone, will he continue drinking kefir on his own? That will be the true test.)

Lactic acid produced during fermentation gives kefir a slightly sour taste. Depending on how it is made and stored, kefir can also be a bit frothy. Fruit, herbs, and other food ingredients can be added in preparing kefir for consumption. I have yet to make smoothies and cheese. I look forward to this with anticipation. Dom gives quite a few recipes. For now, I am quite happy with straight kefir.

Raw Milk & Kefir

I think my kefir cultures quite rapidly went from dried to fully revived, more quickly than my reading of Dom's material led me to expect. Certainly part of this is due to the very high quality of Dom's cultures. And the raw milk that my kefir grains have been fed from day one will most certainly have contributed.

Go here for one of several postings on this blog about Raw Milk, its numerous benefits, and the issues associated with its availability.

That's My Kefir Story

For now, that's it. I may provide further installments, as the kefir adventure continues.

I'm going to have a glass of kefir, and experience the rush of aliveness and vitality that always follows.

Healthy Food to You!

Sandra Lynn Lee
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations

Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.

Copyright 2008 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.
To go to the Breathe - Life's Inspirations With Sandra blog.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Do You Trust 'Em With Your Health?

I have posted the June issue of Breathe - Life's Inspirations with Sandra. It addresses many food-related issues. Please go to the Breathe blog to read it.

Thank you.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Raw Milk - A Health Freedom Issue

Now, you might say, "Why would anyone want to drink raw milk? What's the big deal?"

Before I get into more detail about this, here is a video of a young man who is passionate about his raw milk.
There are many people like him who CAN'T drink pasteurized milk. He shows us that raw milk isn't just for white upper class people.

Raw milk is for everyone -- for you, for me, for the guy walking down the street, and for your children and grandchildren.

This wonderful young man absolutely understands what is going on, and he does a terrific job of explaining it.

The Demise of Raw Milk

So, now that you have watched the video, do you understand a bit about why anyone would want to drink raw milk?? Now, back to the more in depth milk story.

Humble dairy cows were major contributors in helping the United States of America grow into a great nation. Raw milk and dairy foods supported people in becoming healthy and strong. The commerce of this country developed upon a foundation of small family farms and their dairy cattle.

Sadly, in recent decades, pasteurization of milk has become the rule, with tragic impacts on people's health. And family farms have been all but completely replaced by factory farms producing 'foods' that, rather than supporting optimal health, are resulting in nutritional deficiencies, toxicity, and disease within our population. This is a sad state of affairs.

Sandra's Personal Milk Story

I grew up drinking what I thought was milk. But it was actually pasteurized and homogenized milk, which I now understand is not actually real milk. No wonder I didn't like it! Once I was past childhood and providing my own food, I always thought of myself as not liking milk. I never drank milk, though I did eat cheese and butter.

Pasteurized milk isn't actually even food; the body is unable to properly digest and assimilate it. Food is supposed to provide nourishment for the body, and what is commonly thought of as milk does not accomplish this. At the same time, it actually harms the body! As far as I am concerned, pasteurized milk is inedible.

Now that I know about Real Milk, I drink about a gallon a week. I love it, you might even say that I cherish my freedom to drink milk. Fortunately, raw milk is available in stores in Washington State. This is not true in all states. For information on what to do about this, keep reading . . .

Cows and Grass Help with Global Warming

For encouraging information about how COWS and GRASS could help solve the Global Warming problem by taking atmospheric carbon and putting it back into the Earth, see this blog posting, here, here, and here.

After you read the material below, go to the next blog entry for More About Raw Milk.

Return to the What Are the Issues? blog here.

Now, to provide you with true Milk education, . . . Here is eye-opening information from A Campaign for Real Milk, a project of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

In recent years, I have learned a tremendous amount from the Weston A. Price Foundation, about milk, and food in general, and about what people need to be healthy. Consider joining the Weston A. Price Foundation through their website.

What is Real Milk?

Real Milk comes from real cows.

The source of most commercial milk is the modern Holstein,* bred to produce huge quantities of milk--three times as much as the old-fashioned cow. She needs special feed and antibiotics to keep her well. Her milk contains high levels of growth hormone from her pituitary gland, even when she is spared the indignities of genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone to push her to the udder limits of milk production.

*Please note, there are farmers who produce excellent "Real Milk" using older lines of Holsteins and Holstein crosses. It is the modern commercial Holstein, bred only for quantity, not quality, and pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, that should be avoided. Know your supplier! Ask questions!

Buy only milk from old-fashioned breeds of cows, such as Jerseys, Guernseys, Red Devons, Brown Swiss or older genetic lines of Holsteins, or from goats or sheep.

(Or, depending on what part of the world you live in, from llamas, camels, mares, water buffalo, or reindeer!)

Real Milk comes from real cows that eat real feed.

Real feed for cows is green grass in Spring, Summer and Fall; stored dry hay, silage, hay and root vegetables in Winter. It is not soy meal, cottonseed meal or other commercial feeds, nor is it bakery waste, chicken manure or citrus peel cake, laced with pesticides. Vital nutrients like vitamins A and D, and Price's "Activator X" (a fat-soluble catalyst that promotes optimum mineral assimilation, now believed to be vitamin K2) are greatest in milk from cows eating green grass, especially rapidly growing green grass in the spring and fall. Vitamins A and D are greatly diminished, and Activator X disappears, when milk cows are fed commercial feed. Soy meal has the wrong protein profile for the dairy cow, resulting in a short burst of high milk production followed by premature death. Most milk (even most milk labeled "organic") comes from dairy cows that are kept in confinement their entire lives and never see green grass!

Buy only milk products from herds allowed to graze on green pasture.

Real Milk is not pasteurized.

Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamins C, B12 and B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Calves fed pasteurized milk do poorly and many die before maturity. Raw milk sours naturally but pasteurized milk turns putrid; processors must remove slime and pus from pasteurized milk by a process of centrifugal clarification. Inspection of dairy herds for disease is not required for pasteurized milk. Pasteurization was instituted in the 1920s to combat TB, infant diarrhea, undulant fever and other diseases caused by poor animal nutrition and dirty production methods. But times have changed and modern stainless steel tanks, milking machines, refrigerated trucks and inspection methods make pasteurization absolutely unnecessary for public protection. And pasteurization does not always kill the bacteria for Johne’s disease suspected of causing Crohn's disease in humans with which most confinement cows are infected. Much commercial milk is now ultra-pasteurized to get rid of heat-resistant bacteria and give it a longer shelf life. Ultra-pasteurization is a violent process that takes milk from a chilled temperature to above the boiling point in less than two seconds. Clean raw milk from certified healthy cows is available commercially in several states and may be bought directly from the farm in many more. (Sources are listed on

Demand access in all states to clean, raw milk. Boycott processed milk!

Real Milk is not homogenized.

Homogenization is a process that breaks down butterfat globules so they do not rise to the top. Homogenized milk has been linked to heart disease.

Use only milk with "Cream on the Top."

Real Milk contains butterfat, and lots of it!

Average butterfat content from old-fashioned cows at the turn of the century was over 4% (or more than 50% of calories). Today butterfat comprises less than 3% (or less than 35% of calories). Worse, consumers have been duped into believing that low-fat and skim milk products are good for them. Only by marketing low-fat and skim milk as a health food can the modern dairy industry get rid of its excess poor-quality, low-fat milk from modern high-production herds. Butterfat contains vitamins A and D needed for assimilation of calcium and protein in the water fraction of the milk. Without them protein and calcium are more difficult to utilize and possibly toxic. Butterfat is rich in short- and medium chain fatty acids which protect against disease and stimulate the immune system. It contains glyco-spingolipids which prevent intestinal distress and conjugated linoleic acid which has strong anticancer properties.

Buy only full-fat milk products.

Real Milk contains no additives.

Powdered skim milk, a source of dangerous oxidized cholesterol and neurotoxic amino acids, is added to 1% and 2% milk. Low-fat yogurts and sour creams contain mucopolysaccharide slime to give them body. Pale butter from hay-fed cows contains colorings to make it look like vitamin-rich butter from grass-fed cows. Bioengineered enzymes are used in large-scale cheese production. Many mass produced cheeses contain additives and colorings and imitation cheese products contain vegetable oils.

Boycott counterfeits.

Real Milk can save family farms.

Pasteurization laws favor large, industrialized dairy operations and squeeze out small farmers. When farmers have the right to sell unprocessed milk to consumers, they can make a decent living, even with small herds.

A Campaign for Real Milk is a project of The Weston A. Price Foundation
PMB 106-380, 4200 Wisconsin Ave, NW, Washington DC 20016
Phone: (202) 363-4394 | Fax: (202) 363-4396 | Web:


Go to the next blog posting for More About Raw Milk.

Cows and Grass Help with Global Warming
For encouraging information about how COWS and GRASS could help solve the Global Warming problem by taking atmospheric carbon and putting it back into the Earth, see
this blog posting, here, here, and here.

Return to the What Are the Issues? blog here.

More About Raw Milk

My mother, Carolyn Lee wrote the following article based on the material in the references at the bottom of this posting. We have her to thank for putting a tremendous amount of time and effort into doing this. She does this for the health and freedom of all Americans.

If you have not yet read the other posting Raw Milk - A Health Freedom Issue, I recommend doing so. You can access it here.

Cows and Grass Help with Global Warming
For encouraging information about how COWS and GRASS could help solve the Global Warming problem by taking atmospheric carbon and putting it back into the Earth, see
this blog posting, here, here, and here.

Return to the What Are the Issues? blog here.

Health Freedom: the Battle over Milk
"Congressman Ron Paul introduced HR4077 on November 7, 2007, a bill to 'authorize the interstate traffic of unpasteurized milk and milk products in final package form for human consumption when the milk or milk product originates in a State that allows the sale of unpasteurized milk and milk products in final form'.

The purpose of the bill is to initiate the elimination of the federal regulation (21 CFR 1240.61) that prohibits raw milk and raw milk products for human consumption in interstate commerce. This regulation has hindered the ability of raw milk dairies to market their products; and it has made it more difficult for consumers to find sources of raw milk.

As the FDA's warnings increasingly fall on deaf ears, the regulation looks more vulnerable to a challenge. Getting rid of it would remove a major obstacle to prosperity for small dairy farms. HR4077 has been referred to the House Committtee on Energy and Commerce." (Wise Traditions, vol. 9, number 1, Spring 2008, p. 90)

Milk: Nature's Finest Health Food
Human societies on six continents have been nourished by the milk of various ruminant animal herds for thousands of years. Many made butter and cheese. Most of them consumed their milk in some fermented form, such as clabbered (soured) milk, kefir, or yogurt. In fact, one could say that these wonderful animals, who have the astonishing ability to turn indigestible grass into a glorious foodstuff for humans, have enabled entire civilizations to grow and prosper.

When you do a little research, you find that untreated, unprocessed milk, preferably from a grass-fed cow (or goat), has wonderful growth-promoting and healing properties. After all, isn't that what mother nature created milk for, to nurture and protect the young of many species? That's why breast milk is recommended for babies. Of course, new mothers who are poorly nourished produce poorer quality breast milk, as we are what we eat. (You can find a great deal of information about the proper nutrition for expectant mothers and new mothers at the Weston A. Price Foundation website, if this is a subject that interests you.)

In fact, it was the medical community that fought the hardest to preserve their patients' access to raw milk in the early days of the battle over milk, as fresh, whole milk was a highly recommended cure for many illnesses in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Milk was recommended for patients suffering from tuberculosis, heart disease, edema, obesity, high blood pressure, prostate problems, diabetes, all manner of gastric disorders, worms, allergies, to name just a few of the conditions helped by raw milk. Present-day health practitioners have added asthma, autism, neuralgia, brain and nervous disorders, paralysis, ulcers, periodontal disease, and liver, kidney, and bladder diseases to the list. Raw milk is curative because it contains essential amino acids (proteins) very similar in composition to those in human milk; various important enzymes; growth factors; immunoglobulins (antibodies); anti-bacterial factors; anti-viral agents; plus every vitam in and mineral known to be needed by the human body.

Has anyone ever died from drinking raw milk?
The answer to this question can be found on p.27 of Joann S. Grohman's book, Keeping a Family Cow, c. 2006, Coburn Press:

"But to keep things in perspective, when it comes to the safety of raw milk, it's reassuring to know that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) which has tracked disease from many sources for many decades has no record of anyone of any age dying as a result of having drunk unpasteurized milk.

Untreated (raw) milk has considerable bacteriostatic activity (it destroys bacteria all by itself). When promptly chilled, contamination would have to be massive to cause illness. Once soured by harmless or benign acid loving bacteria, as for yogurt or cottage cheese making, or by ordinary room temperature souring (clabbering) when exposed to air, the acidity goes to work on the harmful bacteria, knocking them out rapidly. During the aging of hard cheese they are also destroyed."

Modern Factory Dairy Farming
Now, if unprocessed milk -- or raw milk -- from grass-fed cows is such a perfectly natural and healthy food, why is the government so intent on preventing consumers from buying it? Why all the resistance at the state level, nationwide? Why all the intimidation of raw milk farmers? What is really going on here? Why is the federal government so insistent that the U.S. milk supply continue to be pasteurized, when clearly pasteurization is no longer necessary, due to modern technology and sanitation procedures? Could the answers be money and corporate control of our food supply? I think so!
You see, dairy farming just isn't what it used to be. It's factory farming, in confined operations, just like pig and chicken farming nowadays. Giant conglomerates produce more and more of this nation's milk, with many operations holding thousands of cows, often in overcrowded conditions. Their cows live in the most unnatural conditions possible for a ruminant animal who mother nature designed to eat grass, then lie down in that grass for hours to digest that meal and to sleep. They eat grains and other feedstocks that their digestive systems weren't meant to handle. Most have to sit or stand on a cement floor for the greater part of their shortened lifespans. They're pumped full of antibiotics, because they often get mastitis, an infection of the udders, and have laminitis, a painful inflammation of the hooves, because of the hours they spend on hard concrete. Now, how nourishing do you think th eir mik is going to be?

Thomas Jefferson would truly be appalled, if he could see how we Americans have turned our backs on our family farmers, whom he considered to be the backbone of this country. We have allowed the small landholder, the caretaker of ten to thirty acres, to be displaced by large agricultural corporate interests whose intent is the absolute control and ownership of this entire nation's food supply. It's up to us, individually and as a collective, to take that power back from them. We will all pay the price of less and less choice, and poorer health, if we don't.

The battle over raw milk is a key component of that struggle. Right now, most dairy farmers are not permitted to market their milk freely. They are forced to sell their milk to consortiums, under government-regulated, fixed contracts. This must change. Also, in 1986, an FDA ruling banned the interstate shipment of raw milk, butter, and cream across state lines. This is the ruling that HR4077 attempts to overturn. Finally, at the present time, officials in every state are pushing for laws banning all raw milk sales, strongly supported by the CDC and FDA, citing false, misleading, and erroneous data.

It has been demonstrated that a thirty-acre farm can be completely self-sustaining, ecologically beneficial, and provide its owner with a generous living and the local community with healthy food, if the farming methods now being taught to small, grass-feeding farmers are employed. This is a threat to the mega-corporations. They can see the consumer moving more and more toward local farmers and small-scale sustainability, and they are using our government, as they always have, to give them the edge. If they can keep the independent, small farmer from selling his wares to the public, they can squeeze him out of the food production loop and put him out of business for once and for all. Only the voices of millions of consumers can stop this from happening.

How can you help?
Tell your Congressperson to support Ron Paul's bill, HR 4077. Ask him/her to co-sponsor it. Be sure to send them this information first, and ask them to look into the truth of the matter.
Tell your local and state legislators to sponsor legislation guaranteeing consumers in your state access to certified raw milk, if it is not available at this time. Make the effort to educate them as well. After a century of falsehoods, and propaganda about the benefits of pasteurization, you can't expect cooperation from public officials at any level of government until they are better informed.

Fortunately, that information is readily available from the following organizations:
1. A Campaign for Real Milk,;
2. The Weston A. Price Foundation,; and the
3. Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund,
Please consider making a donation to the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Raw milk farmers are under attack nationwide. They need legal assistance badly, as do other small family farmers. And we need them desperately, as they are our best hope for clean, nourishing, unprocessed, and locally-grown food in the future.

Recommended Reading:
The Untold Story of Milk: Green Pastures, Contented Cows, and Raw Dairy Foods,
by Ron Schmid, N.D., c. 2003, New Trends Publishing, Inc.

Keeping a Family Cow, by Joann S. Grohman, c. 2006, Coburn Press, Dixfield, Maine.

Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease, by Dr. Charles Sanford Porter, M.D., and additions by Heather A. Zimmerman, c. 2005, published by God's Whey, LLC. (262) 692-3086.

The Raw Truth About Milk (formerly The Milk Book: The Milk of Human Kindness is not Pasteurized), by William Campbell Douglas II, M.D., c. 2007, Rhino Publishing,

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, 8th edition, by Weston A. Price, D.D.S., c. 2008, the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation,, (619) 462-7600.
If you have not yet read the other posting Raw Milk - A Health Freedom Issue, access it here.

Cows and Grass Help with Global Warming
For encouraging information about how COWS and GRASS could help solve the Global Warming problem by taking atmospheric carbon and putting it back into the Earth, see
this blog posting, here, here, and here.

Return to the What Are the Issues? blog here.

V: Excellent Videos About Raw Milk

All of these videos are excellent. First we have two videos (thanks to Dr. Mercola and talking about Monsanto's bovine growth hormone, how it is banned in many countries, and how people in America are seeking rBGH-free milk products. These first videos are not specific to raw milk in particular, but are definitely relevant to this discussion. Producers of milk intended for consumption raw will raise only healthy cows, absolutely free of added hormones.

The next video features a fantastic young man who is passionate about his raw milk. There are many people like him who CAN'T drink pasteurized milk. He shows us that raw milk isn't just for white upper class people.

Raw milk is for everyone -- for you, for me, for the guy walking down the street, and for your children and grandchildren.

This guy is terrific! Just a down-to-earth normal guy straight talkin' about stuff that is real. "Do you understand what I'm saying?" I got a kick watching his other videos on YouTube. He has read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, a book I've written about on this blog, and Pottenger's Cats. He knows his stuff!

(Here he is on grass fed beef. "Stay away from that commercial stuff. That stuff will kill you." Go man! Killer Burgers and Toxic Steaks. And straight talk about eggs. Though organic and 'free range' eggs do not necessarily come from chickens that get to wander around outside. Sandra's comment)

When it comes to milk, he absolutely understands what is going on, and he does a fantastic job of explaining it.

So, first we have videos about bovine growth hormone, then a bunch about raw milk.

Did You Know All the Drugs in Your Milk?

Dairy products from cows treated with Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST) could sharply increase the risk of cancer and other diseases, especially in children.

The chemicals are already banned in most industrialized nations, and it was approved in the United States on the backs of fired whistleblowers, manipulated research, and a corporate takeover at the FDA. This film (split into two parts above) includes footage prepared for a Fox TV segment that was canceled after a letter from Monsanto's attorney threatened "dire consequences."

The Demise of Raw Milk

Raw Milk and SB 201, the bill currently being debated in the California legislature. See a variety of testimonials before the legislature, both personal stories and statements by expert witnesses.

The Whole Truth About Milk: Raw vs. Pasteurized

The Whole Truth About Milk -- In this video Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures Dairy describes what happens when we drink pasteurized milk.

Raw Milk Ninja, Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures Dairy

Thursday, January 17, 2008