Magnesium is Critical
For quite a while, I've been speaking with everyone I know about magnesium supplementation as a way to protect brain function from the neuro-toxic effects of MSG. (For more about MSG, go to the posting MSG - Part 2 - Why It Affects You.)
I knew that magnesium was important for everything, but my understanding about it was limited. Now I have read a book that focuses exclusively on magnesium.
Magnesium really is critical for every part and every function of the body.
Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutritional problems in the industrialized world.
In preparation for writing this blog, I glanced through the book, looking for important points to share with you. I thought, "If I could include the ENTIRE first chapter, that would be perfect." Because every word of the six pages in the first chapter is important. It covers the basics of the whole book. However, . . . here are just a few high points.
Read This Book
If you want to understand why magnesium is so important for every aspect of your health, read this book. Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, by Mark Sircus, Ac., O.M.D.
For now, here's a hint of what's in the book, starting with the prevalence of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium Deficiency is Epidemic
Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutritional problems in the industrialized world.
If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.
Loss of Magnesium in Foods
Our food supplies are deficient in magnesium (as well as in many other minerals, trace minerals, and other nutrients). Processing and packaging of foods severely depletes the finished product of many nutrients. Unfortunately, even when you purchase whole fresh food ingredients from your neighborhood grocery store, they are already of diminished nutrient quality, compared with foods purchased by consumers years ago.
Cultivation of food crops over the decades has seriously depleted our soils of the substances that are vital for life. Almost everything about modern farming practices accelerates this decline. (People are increasingly aware of the problems associated with use of chemical herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. Proliferation of genetically modified food crops results in even more chemical usage. Monoculture farming, the planting of one crop over very large areas, year after year is completely unnatural, destroys soil health, and of course, depends heavily on the application of petrochemicals. I have learned that even the process of plowing, of tilling destroys the integrity and viability of the soil ecosystem.)
The water that many people drink is also severely depleted of the minerals that would be present in naturally arising waters. Municipal water supplies may be both contaminated and mineral deficient.
Inefficient Absorption
A typical human body only contains about two ounces of magnesium; we don't need much. Our bodies are inefficient at absorbing it from the foods and liquids that we swallow. Back when people consumed only foods that were growing wild, magnesium was in almost all of their plant and animal foods. Magnesium was everywhere. So efficiently absorbing it was not required. According to the book, we only absorb about 30% of the magnesium that we get orally.
Selecting Supplements
If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.
The most commonly used forms of magnesium supplements are poorly utilized by the body. For example, magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) is rapidly excreted through the kidneys. Despite this inefficiency, it can produce profound results, particularly if the person's body is seriously deficient. For example, paramedics administering intravenous magnesium sulfate to a heart attack victim increases the patient's chances of recovering.
The sulfate, oxide and carbonate forms are poorly utilized. These forms are used frequently, because their are less expensive than are the better utilized forms, magnesium citrate, malate, fumarate, glycinate and taurate. Magnesium chloride is very effectively absorbed when applied topically. I'll talk more about this later. (See So What Can You Do? below.)
Here is one good way to assess the quality of nutritional supplements. When comparing products, the one with the better utilized form of magnesium is likely to be of higher quality.
Why Do We Need Magnesium?
If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.
Do You Need Energy?
Of course you do. Every single function of your body (including healing) utilizes energy. The process of making, using, and storing energy requires magnesium. Here's a quote from the book. "Without magnesium there is no energy, no movement, no life." There is no You.
Some people experience noticeable increases in their energy levels when they start magnesium supplementation.
Enzymes Are Required For Life
According to the book, there are 325 enzymes dependent on magnesium to function. Everything in your body occurs as a result of countless chemical reactions. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze these reactions, making it possible for them to occur.
What About Aging?
Why do we age? One measure of aging is the amount of enzyme vitality that your body has. Enzyme depletion is a significant factor. When the body becomes depleted of enzymes, or when the enzymes are present but not functioning effectively, things start falling apart, and healing just doesn't happen like it used to. Making sure your body has abundant supplies of magnesium keeps those enzymes humming.
Cellular Activity
"Magnesium is the single most important mineral for maintaining proper electrical balance and facilitating smooth metabolism in the cells." It is essential for the transport of substances across cell membranes, and for modulating cellular electrical activity.
Cardiovascular Health
Magnesium promotes normal blood pressure. "Magnesium is proving to be very important in the maintenance of heart health and in the treatment of heart disease. Magnesium is useful in preventing death from heart attack and protects against further heart attacks." As I mentioned above, when someone has a heart attack, intravenous magnesium is given during transport to the hospital.
Immune System and Detoxification
Magnesium is critical for a well-functioning immune system and the body's ability to heal itself. The process of detoxifying the body of toxins and pathogenic organisms consumes tremendous amounts of magnesium. Considering the ever-increasing exposure of people to toxins in today's society, this is increasingly a factor contributing to magnesium deficiency.
Central Nervous System, the Brain, and Cognitive Function
"A magnesium deficit may lead to decreased memory and learning ability, while an abundance of magnesium may improve cognitive function."
"Magnesium deficiency may cause aggressive behavior, depression, or suicide. Magnesium calms the brain and people do not need to become severely deficient in magnesium for the brain to become hyperactive."
"Magnesium is necessary for the production, function and transport of insulin." It helps regulate blood sugar levels. Deficiency increases the likelihood that diabetes will develop, and makes it more difficult to manage. Diabetes also further depletes magnesium stores.
DNA and Protein Synthesis
"Magnesium is necessary for the physical integrity of the double helix of DNA, which carries genetic information and the code for specific proteins." This mineral is required for synthesis of proteins, the building blocks of the body. Cells are continually being replaced, requiring constant availability of magnesium.
All of the Systems of the Body
Looking at the chapter titles of the book gives a sense that every function of the body requires magnesium. Everything!
Mark Sircus says that he recommends magnesium to essentially everyone who comes to him with a health condition, whatever it may be. Because this vital mineral contributes to so many aspects of health and healing.
If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.
Cancer cells are always present within the body. Under normal circumstances they are kept under control by a whole host of protective mechanisms. Having abundant supplies of basic nutrients supports the body in functioning efficiently and in remaining healthy. With deficiencies in numerous minerals (including magnesium) reaching epidemic proportions, these protective mechanism are breaking down. Add in the constant exposure to the toxic substances surrounding us, and it's no wonder that cancer is on the rise.
So What Can You Do?
It can certainly be beneficial to take magnesium supplements. Consider also doing the following . . .
Apply Magnesium To Your Skin!!
I was unaware of this until I read Mark Sircus' book, Transdermal Magnesium Therapy. The body is extraordinarily efficient in utilizing liquid magnesium that is applied to the skin.
The body is limited in its ability to benefit from oral magnesium supplements. Dosages that would replenish deficiencies actually result in diarrhea. As mentioned above, according to the book, the body only utilizes about 30% of oral magnesium.
Depending on the person's level of magnesium deficiency, the absorption rate of transdermal magnesium is much higher. And if more has been applied than the body requires, what remains on your skin can be absorbed later.
Since the body controls the rate of absorption of topically applied magnesium, any potential chance of getting too much is essentially eliminated. (More about this below. See Can I Get Too Much?)
Now that I realize how important magnesium is, I apply it topically every day. And I carry a small bottle wherever I go. Any time I eat in a restaurant or I eat packaged foods, I apply more magnesium. (Want to know why? Read my posting about MSG. MSG - Part 2 - Why It Affects You. If you are interested, you can get to Part 1 about MSG from there.)
If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.
Where to Get Transdermal Magnesium
You should be able to find it in the supplement section of your health food store. Personally, I recommend the product that is sold by the Life Enthusiast website. I sell quite a bit of this product, because I talk with everyone about the importance of magnesium. It is inexpensive, effective, and easy to use.
Magnesium oil is magnesium chloride in energized water. Magnesium gel is the same with some seaweed extract added.
Dr. Norman Shealy discovered that when magnesium chloride is applied topically, DHEA levels in the body rise naturally. (Why this occurs is not entirely clear.) DHEA is an anti-aging hormone. The DHEA boost only occurs with magnesium chloride administered transdermally. Oral and intravenous magnesium do not have this effect.
Can I Get Too Much?
If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.
The likelihood of overdosing with magnesium is very low. According to the book, the only circumstances in which overdose symptoms are likely to occur are as follows. First, when a person has kidney disease, their ability to control magnesium levels through urination is limited. They should only supplement with magnesium as approved by their doctor. Second, when a person is so deficient that they have been given multiple intravenous doses of magnesium, they could potentially experience an overdose. In this case, any symptoms should disappear shortly after the intravenous administration is stopped.
If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.
There's Always More . . .
But I have to stop some time. This post is already quite long. Whew!
Want to Know More?
Read the book! Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, by Mark Sircus, Ac., O.M.D.
Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium!
Sandra Lynn Lee
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations
Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2011 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.